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Web Design Trends Entrepreneurs need to watch out for the year 2017

You all know who Neil Armstrong is, but do you know who Buzz Aldrin is? I bet most people do not know him. So, let me tell you he was the second man to step on the moon, and the best part he was with Neil Armstrong. Despite the fact that Buzz Aldrin’s effort was meritorious, most of the people do not know about him because he was a follower. Yes, that is the thing about supporters, people rarely remember them.

As Entrepreneurs, one of the most important habits you need is to learn how to follow trends. Because in the year 2017 those Entrepreneurs who

  • 2017 is the year of mobile-only websites

So you might have heard it a lot, the year 2016 was the year of the mobile-first internet site. Well, good news is 2017 I the year of mobile-only websites.

Am I radical? In 2015 mobile traffic accounted for was 58%, in the year 2016 this just extended to 60%. So, still, you think mobile-first websites are just a choice?

Long gone are the time when web designing was limited for desktop users, and then came adoption of tablets and smartphone users. As an Entrepreneur, you are expected to come up with a website that just not looks beautiful on mobile; it needs to have frictionless, seamless browsing.

The mobile site is the new gold standard of web design. Right from small web design agency in new york to any large web design company, the mobile-only site is the new trend that will lead from the top in the year 2017.

  • Bye bye App Store, say hello to Android Instant Apps

How many of you delete apps just to install new apps? I bet you are among the majority who make space to install new apps. Not anymore! Presenting Google Instant Apps, no installation required, no memory required. Just run apps directly from Google. I know, I know you are thinking, how it is relevant to web design? Two reasons. First, developers in 2016 focused on mobile apps; now they need to develop an app that looks good with relevance to web experiences. Secondly, more and more designers are already into designing apps that give a seamless web experience.

  • Welcome Skeleton screen, good luck with loading…

Skeleton screen is the new trend in web designing. If you have not heard of it, this is your real chance to know it. The skeleton screen is not about the UI design; it is about how a page loads on the smartphone.

Skeleton loading screens make sure to give the user an ultimate seamless experience. Without blinking the eyes, your user needs to get a glance of what you are offering. Fast loading just not only creates a better user experience, but it also develops your brand identity as a technically strong brand.

Skeleton screens allow users to anticipate the loading experience. The moment of happiness of loading a beautiful design can never be measured in numbers. Give your users the best first impression, and they might give a good word out for you.

  • Branding Logos with Minimalism

A sculpture designing technique invented in 1950’s. Basic ideology was to make statues as simple as possible. The art of Minimalism trend created so much buzz in the year 2016. Corporations redesigned their logos for with meticulous looks.

Among other reasons, it can easily be explained that whole web is about to envelop itself into a mobile app. Logos just don’t need to look good on the desktop. Furthermore, they need to look simple on smartphones too.

  • Bold Colors and Typography

How does carrying an iPhone makes you feel?  I know you cannot explain what feels different but you feel pretty amazing. In reality, good design has a lot to do with bold colors and excellent typography. Although some websites are already adopting it, clean design with bright colors and beautiful typography will be a common denominator in the year 2017. Check the design by ToyFight, and you will get an idea on how beautiful design speaks for itself.

White space does not have to be empty anymore. Element placement can lead to customer engagement, and once the customer gets engaged, it will be easy for them to place an order on your website.

  • Dancing CTA buttons

Yes, the animation is not over yet. You want the attention of customers, get them something classy to click-through. Create animated call-to-action buttons that will force customers to place an order instantly.

The best form of animation is animation within the button. Some movement captures the attention of the customer, and they will stick to it for long.

The bottom line:

A simple website will land you more business than one that is stuffed with pages and information. From this point, onwards graphic interfaces will not be everything Entrepreneurs need to focus on. As part of your journey, it will be your job to keep track of all the changing trends and what your competition is working on. These trends when ignored can make save your startup from a drastic disaster.

So now, it is your turn. Are you as an Entrepreneur ready to welcome the trends of the year 2017? Do you think that these trends are enough to keep your startup going? If you have some trends feel free to share them with us.

Adam McGriffin

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