7 Easy Productivity Hacks For Lazy Entrepreneurs

Productivity Hacks For Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurship is like a labyrinth, there are no rules and everything is continuously changing for entrepreneurs. You have to be ready for what comes and even then you have to make sure you truly understand what you are faced with. Moreover, Startups are like F1 cars on a race track. You can drive them slow, not crash, and complete the race or you can drive them fast, risk crashing, and Win!

It’s Okay To Say ‘No’

Saying ‘No’ is an art. And not everyone can say no to anyone all the time. But, that doesn’t mean you will have to say ‘Yes’ to everything that comes your way. As an entrepreneur, you will be faced with thousands of decisions each day, and with those decisions, you need to decide ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. Now the thing is, the more you say ‘Yes’ to things that are unimportant to you or are beneficial for your company, the less you need to worry about saying ‘No’ to everyone else.

Now, as per Stephen Covet, there are certain things that are important but not urgent, and then there are things that are urgent & important. If the thing you are saying ‘Yes’ to isn’t urgent but important, you can easily say ‘No’ for the moment and analyze it later to make room for work. Trust me, saying no to your boss, client, or peers won’t hurt if you do it respectably.

The 5 am Rule

Join the 5 a.m. club. The way you start your day determines the rest of the day you will have. Right after you wake up at 5 am.  Do the following:

  • Spend the first 20 minutes on exercise.
  • Invest the next 20 minutes in rehearsing your goals, and plans for the day.
  • Devote the next to learn something new. Whether be it a motivational video, a book, or some inspiring blog.

FACT: From 5 am to 8 am are “The Golden Hours” that the most successful achievers in the world use to set up their days for success. The way you begin your day really does determine how you live your day.

Maintain this routine for at least 66 days and note the difference. Waking up early gives you an advantage over others. When everyone is sleeping, you, on the other hand, are busy working on yourself. Doing the necessary work. But keep in mind to NOT THINK ANYTHING NEGATIVE in that particular period of time. Here is why you need to make waking up early a de rigueur part of your daily routine.

Challenge Yourself in the Early Hours of the Day

Entrepreneurs Challenge

It is said that if you have multiple agendas in your to-do list, do the ones that challenge you the most when your day begins. Because in the morning when you are fresh, you can come up with multiple solutions to a single problem.

The best approach I use as an Entrepreneur to solve difficult problems is, to close my eyes and see the task already done in my mind. I have completed the task and people are praising me for the task well done. This same approach has been followed by many successful Entrepreneurs, from Bill Gates to Richard Branson to Larry Page.

Keep a Notebook With You At All Times

Miracles happen in an instant. Robin Sharma wrote his whole book when he was on his way to work. Einstein presented the Theory of Relativity when he was wandering around. It is a good practice to keep a notebook with you at all times. You never know when, and where you get inspiration, and for that, you need to write it down. Every day spend some time going through your notebook. Pick ideas, and concepts, add your flavor to them, and use them in your daily routine. The best is to use apps like Evernote to do work for you. Easy to handle, and available on all platforms you can use it easily to jot down all your thoughts in one page.

Meditate, Whenever, Wherever You Can

It is good to meditate in the early hours of the day, while some people prefer to meditate at night too. Depending upon your convenience meditate whenever you can and wherever you can. Meditation makes space in your brain to think of new ideas and on the other hand, clear your mind to re-organize ideas that are already there. If you are interested in Medication go grab a copy of Meditations by Marcus Aurelius. A complete guide for anyone starting out in meditation.

Find Something That Excites You & Treat Yourself With It

Remember when you were a kid and you got really excited about your new toy train, or when you used to play with your Playgo? Yes, keep that memory in mind and find something that excites you at the same level today. As we grow old, we lose the touch of our childhood. Which makes us frustrated at times, and we make decisions that cost us a lot of money. After a long working day, treat yourself to that one thing. For instance, for me, it is a cup of Coffee. After every day I take this one cup and enjoy every sip of it. No matter how worried I am, I get the peace I want after that cup of Coffee.

Be Optimistic At All Times

I am not saying that ignore the negative. I am only suggesting that everything has two sides of the coin. For an Entrepreneur to be successful it is important to see the bright side of the coin. It is an extremely rare trait in the young breed of so-called-Entrepreneurs but it is one of the most important habits, and traits you need to be successful.

And that my friends sum up some business hacks that are beneficial for lazy Entrepreneurs. No matter whether you are a startup or a struggling Entrepreneur there is no harm in trying something that is tested & verified by successful souls out there.

Yousuf Rafi

A Caffeine dependent non-mainstream person trying to elevate small talk to medium talk. I know I will win, not immediately but definitely. I do most of the talking in my head. However, for other things, I prefer writing blogs.