20 Tips To Start Generating Leads With Your Website Starting From Today

20 Tips To Start Generating Leads for Your Website

My college friend is an ambitious website designer. Just like any custom website design agency, my friend dreamed of rocking the boat with his website design skills. But as they say, when the fog settles down it is then we see what our target is. Although it was a magnificent piece of artwork when it came to design, my friend started worrying about when he started generating leads with the website.

So, this was the time when I stepped in. We had a three-hour meetup in a Coffee shop (I take a high dose of Coffee whenever I need to think) and along came some ideas that can help my friend to start generating leads for his business.

20 Tips To Start Generating Leads With Your Website

Here you go:

Generating Leads With Your Website

     1. Start with Prospects’ Pain Points:

Of course, the whole business is about your prospect, but we realize that on our website there were no pain points that we were addressing or demonstrating anything that can help the potential customer understand how our product will solve their problem. We revamped the website, the text, the photos, and even the taglines to what users really wanted.

     2. Educate About your Product:

It doesn’t matter if the product is new or old, you need to educate the users on how to use your product. Make videos, and slideshows, and show the user how the product is helping them to solve their problems. One thing you need to focus on is the creative. Be creative and make your users fall in love with how you display the why of your business.

     3. Use Persuasive Call-to-action Buttons:

You need to tell the users when and where to buy the product. Make clear and big “Buy Now” or “Order Now” buttons throughout your website. Integrate links into your blogs that will redirect users to the services you’re offering.

      4. Use the Power of Internal Linking:

At times when you write a blog, you solve a problem. And when users visit your website they are trying to solve their problem. In your blogs, you can use internal links that can help users to better understand their problem and once they understand it they will ask you to solve the problem for you.

      5. Write Content for a Kindergarten Kid:

Don’t ever let your users second-guess what you’re trying to say. If you’re selling a product ask them to buy the product. If you’re informing about a product launch make it easy for the users to relate to their problems. How your product can solve their problems?

      6. Use Persuasive Headlines to Steal Their Hearts:

Of course, you don’t know who is going to visit your website which is why you need to keep it neutral for both genders. The main goal here is to engage users with headlines that can find a sweet spot between your consumer and what service you’re offering.

      7. Build Your Brand:

It is not just about starting a business or making money. The goal here is to establish a brand personality for your brand. And align that personality with the needs of your consumer. Take human traits like honesty, transparency, and humor and defuse them into your brand personality.

      8. Include Visually Appealing Graphics:

Don’t just shoot your products with any digital camera. Use DSLR to take photos that can win the hearts of your customers. Pictures when done right, can trigger emotions and force the users to buy from you.

      9. Don’t Ignore SEO:

So what if you have the best product on your website? If the product doesn’t reach the user, what good it is in the first place? Plan to do SEO on your website. Hire a professional SEO service agency to make peace of mind and focus on other important stuff.

Also Read: Why Spending Big Bucks on Your SEO

      10. Make Your Products Searchable:

Use an intuitive search bar so that users can search for your products without thinking too much about them. Give them suggestions and learn their search behaviors. Make suggestions based on their patterns.

      11. Position Your Top Team in the Market:

When Tony Hsieh started using the Twitter handle, sales skyrocketed to around 250%. Why? Because people started trusting Zappos more when the CEO himself was on social media interacting with the public. Make your top managers write blogs for your niche.

      12. Be in the Front:

If people don’t see you often, they will soon forget you for sure. You need to be there in the front. With your blogs, with your promotions, and with your marketing strategies. Research shows that blogging 2-3 times a week captures most of the benefit in terms of customer acquisition.

      13. Keep an Email List:

Your marketing efforts depend upon the people you reach. You need to give as much information as you can to your audience and engage them to ask for more. Give eBooks, a marketing plan, or even a social media strategy, and ask users to give their email in return. Use that list to know what users want and give them the solution.

      14. Add Social Media Buttons:

Is your brand on social? If yes, are there multiple ways that users can connect with you on social media? If not, make sure you do it right now. Give users the option to connect with you with their favorite social media.

      15. Make it Easy to Connect with You:

Don’t assume that readers will think to copy your link. Make it easy for them to send your posts to friends and colleagues.

      16. Make it Easy for Users to Connect with You:

Make it easy for potential buyers to connect with you. One thing you can do is to include your “contact us” in your call to action buttons. A simple number, email, or even a social media connection can help your user to connect with you.

      17. Use Comments to Engage:

Offer prospects the opportunity to interact with your firm via the comments section of your blog. While this may not be as direct as other ways of using your blog, it can help you by getting questions in the open and answered.

      18. Make Fans Contribute to Your Blog:

One sure-shot way for brands to engage users is to give them the opportunity to guest post on your website. Alternatively, feature a customer of the week to help readers identify with other consumers.

      19. Connect with Users on Social Media:

Offer customers the ability to connect with you on social media. Give them ways to connect with you. This will allow them to build trust and do business with you.

      20. Promote Your Brand on Other Forms of Internal or Owned Media:

Expand the reach of your website using your other forms of internal media such as your emails, customer service interaction, signature files, and packaging. While this may sound like it’s circular, it helps introduce your website to people you didn’t know were interested in your content.


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Yousuf Rafi

A Caffeine dependent non-mainstream person trying to elevate small talk to medium talk. I know I will win, not immediately but definitely. I do most of the talking in my head. However, for other things, I prefer writing blogs.